Saturday, April 13, 2013

I Live Literary (New Blog)

Reading has been a huge part of my life. I've always wanted an outlet to talk about the books I'm reading and the thoughts I have about them and a place to place my own venture into writing into... So I created a new blog!

I will still be updating this one as it is a personal outlet for me and my life; my new blog was created as an outlet for my reading and writing. It is not meant as a personal blog.

I hope you'll join me over at I Live Literary and I hope to inspire more people to read, write and think. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What is Expected in my Future.

Seeing as how I'm into my 20s now, the topic of marriage and children is one that just appears frequently in my life now. I always seem to get entangled in a conversation about marriage and procreating, and I always get people who try and convince me that having kids and getting hitched is something that I'll desire when I'm older. For some apparent reason, it's ingrained into us that this is the one goal in life that tops every other goal we have. I kind of wince when people say "oh, when you have kids..."like it's something that's absolutely expected from me...from everyone around me!

Before I continue, I just want to point out something. This is all of my personal opinion about why I, personally, don't want these things in my life. I'm not saying that having kids is wrong. Or that marriage is wrong. It simply, isn't for me.

So why don't I want to get married? Why do I not want any children? 

Firstly the concept of marriage, to me, is quite archaic. I'd love to have a wedding without the marriage. I'd love to celebrate love, but getting married isn't about the ceremony or the celebration - it's a legally binding contract. I know more divorcees than I know married couples, I'll be honest. Sometimes it's sad, other times it's relieving, and sometimes your love changes. I would, however, would not like to take my chances and deal with the heartbreak, the expense, or anything else for that matter.

Most of all, and biggest of all... Yes, I'm 24 and no, that opinion will likely never change with age. Marriage is for some people; marriage isn't for me. Neither is having children of my own.

So, why no children, Rose?

I have a few medical issues that I really don't want to pass down. The big two being hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's disease and although [supposedly] not genetic, I'd rather not have a child of mine learn from myself any traits I portray of Bipolar Disorder (which, actually, is part of my thyroid issues, but still.) So really, it's not that I don't like children - in fact, I do quite like them; but to be fair, I don't want to introduce someone into a world where I know my faults will cause someone a great difficulty as I've had.

So there you have it folks. I won't die sad and lonely as many of you fear, I have a different view and I believe that I would be much happier this way. :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

On the Job.

Many of my friends now by now that I left my most recent job. I won't name the company, but those who know me, know where I have worked and why I had left. Practicing yoga has taught me one of the most important values that I feel that I always knew, but needed to exercise more; getting rid of the toxic things in your life. It had become apparent that I was no longer happy at my job and I admit that I was very sad to go. I loved my regular customers who I had come to know for the last three years and although my coworkers came as quickly as they went, I made lifelong friendships with many of them.

My work had impacted me, inspired me to pursue my own dream, but I honestly felt that I could have left on better terms. Not saying that I made a scene and ran out the door, but I feel that issues within my workplace could have been handled better. Most long-term employees who want to leave their work mostly leave due to issues with their management or immediate supervisors and I can't help but feel that this was the reason as to why I had left.

As I said before, I had learned that I really did not need the poison in my life. Like many people, I dislike being lied to, gossiped about, bullied and manipulated. I had tolerated it for so long, that I made the drastic decision to leave this job without finding another to immediately replace it. And it's sad. It's SO sad.

Life goes on, however. I have nothing but a sense of relief that I don't have to deal with that anymore and embrace this challenge. I'm broke, unemployed, looking for new work but I can say I sleep better.

And if anyone is looking for a very hard-working employee with a stunning smile and personality...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

On Having a Vagina.

Vancouver High School Students Protesting Gentlemen's Club
(Fact: I really like the elderly lady at the end of this video.)
This protest has stirred a pot in women's rights issues in Vancouver. I recently saw a post about this protest on Reddit and decided to throw my two cents in.

I understand that these students and their teacher have a particularly strong opinion about how women should be treated. Women in this particular era (particularly in First World countries) have been treated the best than they have ever been, BUT there are some definite issues involving the right's of women that need to be addressed still.

For example, The New Delhi Gang Rape that resulted in a woman dead and sparked outrage and violent protests. I use this large-scale issue against this small local Vancouver protest to compare their opinions and views.

First and foremost, let's dive into history and take a look at Women's suffrage. For those who don't understand what that term means, it's the right for women to vote and to run for office. Why did I bring this up? Well, because it's a prime example of giving someone choices. The option of even having a choice is pretty amazing. I like having choices! Don't you enjoy having choices? Everyone loves their right to a choice.

So what choices does the average, female exotic dancer have? The same choices that anyone has. And despite cliches and misconceptions, they aren't prostitutes or disobeying the law in any way. They aren't forced to dance for the men who walk in there. They aren't forced to have sex with them. In fact, many women who are doing this as a profession walk in wanting to dance. Why? Because expression of your sexuality is empowering.

I don't know a lot of women who are comfortable in their bodies let alone comfortable to let a group of people see them naked. You have to have a lot of guts to just let every person see you as you are. A few friends of mine are actually nude models for art classes... they strip down to their nudies and get drawn. Oh and did I mention that sometimes these drawings get posted around the school where they work? The difference between their profession and that of a dancer in a gentlemen's club is that they're there as an educational tool, but they too, were given the choice to be nude infront of a group of people. And quite frankly, no one has tried to picket this educational institution yet.

You could argue that I'm comparing nude modelling with sexualized dancing, but quite frankly, it's a pretty fair comparison considering my roommate is a model at the school and that rules and standards are set in place for her safety. Much like how rules and standards are set in place with most gentlemen's clubs. And that's why the women who work there feel safe doing what they do, why they made a conscious choice to do it and why the "Social Justice" class being taught in this Vancouver high school is wrong. Asides from the fact that they didn't even contact the venue and their entire argument is one-sided.

With that, why aren't these students doing something meaningful for social justice? The picket itself only allows and encourages whole mentality of WHY women aren't treated as victims but as the source of the criminal problem in the form of "she was asking for it!" Perhaps if those students were taught that this mentality is a part of why there's such a high rate of sexual abuse among women than they instead would be asking for donations for their local woman's shelter. Or perhaps petitioning for better education about sexual abuse, or against their local politicians about how they handle victim's cases.

Quite frankly, if they really wanted to look into the issue that they were diving into, they should have educated themselves about the New Delhi gang rape and the protests that were so heavily reported in the media. Although the protests themselves became rather violent and erupted in riot, what prompted the protest is relevant to what the Vancouver students are protesting.

What am I getting at? Women shouldn't be objectified, no, but they should have the choice to dress, earn an honest living and live free from fear of abuse. The choice to whether we should harm another human being or leave them be is a conscious choice. People aren't mind-controlled into raping other people. We should be telling our children that even though that person has made the choice to wear that skirt that we should still respect them and leave them alone with that choice. They don't deserve any ill treatment just because of what they do.

So, to end this huge blog post off... we all have choices, and we all need to make wise ones. It's not about our job description or what kind of clothing is draped over us, but how we want to be treated and how we want to treat others.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Beginnings on a Clean Slate.

Happy New Year, my gentle reader(s).

A new year usually brings in people sharing what their personal goals are now that they believe that they have a fresh, clean slate to work on. I guess in a way, I'm really not that different from everyone else. I too, have some goals I wish to see fulfilled. There are people who don't believe in New Years resolutions and understandably. I don't necessarily believe in having resolutions to fulfill in a year's time, but rather, in my lifetime.

I believe that everyone should aspire to better themselves every day and improve upon their lives without the notion that they're given a new beginning. Your beginning happened when you were born and it's completely up to you on how you want to treat yourself.

With that being said, my list of LIFELONG resolutions, in a nutshell:

  • I want to become a more patient and tolerant human being. Sometimes I get irritated (especially working in a customer service job) too easily and don't remember that someone on the other end could also be having an awful day.
  • Respect myself. Sometimes I pick apart my art, my writing, my body and I treat it badly by binging on things that I know that are terrible for me. I want to respect myself not only mentally, but physically. I need to stop beating myself up over mistakes and also be conscious of what my body needs from me.
  • Stop struggling with money. This one is the toughest... I have a lot of student debt to pay off and I want to continue my education. However, education is expensive and I want to be able to leave school knowing that if I don't find a job in my field right away, that I still won't have to worry about these dollar signs hanging over my head like a dark cloud.
If a year is what you need to succeed in goals that will benefit you for the rest of your life, by all means, take it. I'm not sure how long it will be until I succeed in my goals, but I will for the most part, continue to try and better myself every single day that I'm breathing.